Portraits of mountains, waterfalls, happenings and people - offered in English and Slovene.
Meeting Mountains want to tell stories that doesn’t otherwise get told. We dare to turn the stones that have been untouched for a long time. Curious foreigners may get an insight into local customs, hidden gems and special characters of the Soča Valley.
The author of the blog is local journalist Katja Humar - born and raised in the valley. She is passionate about painting articles with her colourful words, expressions and images and we are very grateful to have her on board.
Read more about Katja or read her work below!
Novice iz Posočja Dec 2020
-Virtualna tržnica s pestrim izborom lokalnih pridelkov tudi v Bovcu
-Razvijanje zimske turistične ponudbe v Logu pod Mangartom
-Tolminska občina participativni del proračuna daje v mlade roke
-Posočje brez smeti